Turnitin for Students (Plagiarism Detection)
  • 07 Mar 2023
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Turnitin for Students (Plagiarism Detection)

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Article summary

Turnitin is a plagiarism detector utilized by active faculty and enrolled students to ensure academic integrity. Turnitin improves the student writing cycle while providing feedback to students. 

Turnitin Account    

As a student, you do not need to make an account to submit your assignments in Blackboard for your courses. Additionally, we cannot create student accounts. Only faculty can create Turnitin assignments. If you need to check a paper that is not required to be submitted through Turnitin, we recommend asking a faculty member to see if they can submit it for you. 

Submitting a Turnitin Assignment

When your course has a Turnitin Feedback Studio Assignment in it, it will appear like this. Click on "View Assignment". 

image of a turnitin assignment in blackboard

On the submission screen, use the arrow to drop down any specific instructions your instructor has added to the assignment. Then, click on "Upload Submission".

 Type in the "Title" of your paper next to "Submission Title". Click the "Choose File" button, select your paper from your desktop or another source, then click "Upload and Review".

Turnitin will then ask you to review your submission. It will provide a preview of the document that you have uploaded to make sure everything is ok. Once you have reviewed everything, click "Submit to Turnitin". 

The next page will bring you back to the assignment page. At the top of your screen, you have the option of downloading a digital receipt. It is recommended that you download this and keep them until you have received a grade for the assignment. This is also where you will see your grade and the similarity report once the system has processed it. 

digital download receipt option

It will then take you to the next screen which shows your paper has been submitted. It can take up to 24 hours for your report to appear which will show up under the column that is three from the right (under the bar graph icon). Once your instructor has graded your assignment and given feedback, you will go into the assignment again (by clicking "View Assignment" as you did before and click on the name of your paper to view the feedback (this shows as a hyperlink in blue). The feedback will only appear in Turnitin Feedback Studio and not in the "Grade Center" on Blackboard. You will not be able to view any feedback until after the "Post Date". This is when Turnitin will reveal the feedback to students. This date is chosen by the instructor. If you are unable to view your feedback and it is after the "Post Date", contact your instructor to see if they have graded the assignment yet. If they have and you cannot view it, please contact bbhelp@uml.edu for assistance. 

PeerMark Review

A student can begin a "PeerMark Review" by selecting the "PeerMark Reviews" button. A red dot indicates there are new reviews to complete.

Select the "Start Peer Review" button on the lower right to begin reviewing a paper you have been assigned. Select "View Details" to view any instructions your teacher provides.

peermark review information and instructions

PeerMark will open. All the free response and scale questions that need to be completed for the peer review are located on the right side of the PeerMark screen. example of a peermark paper

  • To answer a free response question, click in the text box below the question and type in your response. The word minimum for the response is listed below the text box.
  • To answer scale questions, click the radio button above the number for the rating you are giving this writer for the question.
  • Once the questions are completed and you have provided any optional feedback click on the "Submit" button at the top right of the PeerMark page to submit your review.

Optional Feedback

The PeerMark tools palette contains all the commenting functions available to a student. To access the Tools palette click on "Tools" on the PeerMark toolbar.

click on the tools button

The tools palette contains two commenting tools and several composition marks that students can use in reviewing and editing their peers’ papers.

Viewing Received Feedback in Turnitin PeerMark

A student can access the feedback left on their paper by selecting the “PeerMark Reviews” tab and then the “Received Feedback” button.

assignment dashboard

PeerMark will open with the student’s review of your paper. All answers to the free response and scale questions will be available on the right side of the screen under the "Questions" tab.

student view of their paper with comments

To view the reviewer's comments in a list, click on the "Comments" tab.

example comments

You can also view comments if you hover the mouse over the word bubble on the page.

example of comment on word bubble

Do not submit your paper anywhere else other than directly into your course through the Turnitin Assignment. Submitting it anywhere else will result in it not linking to Blackboard and it's highly likely that your instructor will not see your paper. You will also not be able to see any feedback your instructor leaves. It is extremely important that you follow the directions above to prevent any confusion or frustration with missing assignments. 

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