Turnitin for Faculty (Plagiarism Detection)
  • 10 Jul 2023
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Turnitin for Faculty (Plagiarism Detection)

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Article summary

Turnitin is a plagiarism detector utilized by active faculty and enrolled students to ensure academic integrity. Turnitin improves the student writing cycle while providing feedback to students. The following tools are available:
  • Originality Check: Provides reports to help faculty check students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism.
  • Grade Mark: An electronic grade book provided by Turnitin.
  • Peer Mark: A tool used to facilitate peer review.

Turnitin Account    

Faculty may obtain an account by emailing bbhelp@uml.edu or by adding a new Turnitin assignment to your Blackboard course. You can also access Turnitin on Turnitin.com if you have used it before or have added a new assignment to your Blackboard course. You may need to select "forgot password" on Turnitin.com to access your account for the first time.

Students will be able to use Turnitin by submitting an assignment through Blackboard. There is no need to create an account. Please note that we cannot create individual Turnitin accounts for students. The only way for them to use it is through an assignment in a Blackboard course or if a faculty member submits a paper through their own account. 

Adding a Turnitin Assignment To Your Course

Go to the page where you'd like to add the new assignment and click on "Build Content". In the drop-down, select "Turnitin Feedback Studio". (Note: If you have used Turnitin before and have used "Turnitin Direct Assignment" under the Assessments drop-down, that tool is no longer available as of the end of the Fall 2022 semester. Any Turnitin assignments created before that date using "Turnitin Direct Assignment", will need to be recreated using "Turnitin Feedback Studio". The assignments can't be copied and reused in a future running as the tool is no longer available. Going forward, you will need to use the "Build Content" drop-down. However, even though the tool no longer functions, as the instructor you will have access to all of the previous assignments on Turnitin.com but you will need to copy and paste from those to a new assignment.) 

drop down menus pointing to turnitin feedback studio

This will lead you to the LTI. Here, you will add the "Title", "Instructions", "Max Grade", the start and due dates, and when the feedback will be visible to students (previously called "Post Date"). 

image of area to enter title and instructions and due dates for the assignment.

Under optional settings, you can choose to add other options such as restricting file types, allowing students to turn in assignments late, and adding a rubric. These settings are also available in "Edit" under the drop-down under the arrow after you have added the assignment to your course. 

image of additional settings

image of more additional settings

Grading Assignments

Once the assignment is added to your page, click on the title of the assignment. You can also grade papers by going directly toTurnitin.com

image of what the assignment will look like in Blackboard

The screenshot below shows what you will see once students submit their assignments. On the left, their names will appear and the assignment will be hyperlinked in blue font. If a paper has been submitted after the due date, the date will appear in red. Any turned in before the due date will show in black. 

image of what the grading area looks like

Under "Tools", you'll see four icons. The first icon will launch the "Rubric Manager". This is where you can create a rubric for the assignment. Please note that once you have a rubric in an assignment and grade one of the assignments with it, you cannot change or update the rubric in any way. If there is a typo or an incorrect calculation and you have to edit the rubric, you will have to delete the old rubric and recreate it again. 

The second icon will launch the "QuickMark Manager". You can create new QuickMarks, edit QuickMarks, and many other options here. You can learn more on Accessing the QuickMark Manager on the Turnitin website.

The third icon will launch the "PeerMark Manager" and the fourth icon will launch the "PeerMark Reviews". If you have this turned on, students will be reviewing their classmates' papers. This can be done anonymously so that they will not know whose paper they have received. This is an option that needs to be turned on for it to happen. 

Under "Export", the blue paper will allow you to download the paper in its original format and the red paper will download it as a PDF. The green paper will give you a download of the grades. 

In the table, the column with the eye will tell you if the student has viewed the feedback after it has been graded. A green eye indicates that they have; a grey eye indicates that they have not. The columns with the paper with a checkmark and the funnel will show the grades that you enter for the student. The bar graph column will show the similarity report, indicating a percentage of the paper that is similar to others. The columns with the up and down arrows will allow you to upload and download the original submission and finally, the last column will allow you to delete the submission. 

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