  • 13 Oct 2022
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Article summary

What is my initial password?

For Students: Your initial password follows this format:  Riverhawk12345678, where the last eight digits are your student ID number.  You must change this password and set up your password reset profile for future password changes. You can do this by navigating to MyPassword

 For Faculty/Staff: Your initial password will be assigned to you over the phone by TechServices. Please call us at 978-934-4357 once you have verified your document processing with HR, and we will give you your password. 

When does my password expire?

Your password will not expire. 


What applications does my password work for?

You will use this password for applications that use Single Sign On (SSO) credentials, such as:

  • UMass Lowell email account
  • SiS Self-Service
  • WiFi
  • vLabs
  • HR Direct
  • myAlert
  • MyParking
  • VPN
  • Online Housing Portal 
  • Blackboard


What are the password requirements?

  1. Minimum password length is 16 characters
  2. Passwords must include at least 3 of the following:
     o One upper-case character
     o One lower-case character
     o One special character (i.e., @!#$%&*)
     o One numeric character
  3. Valid special characters are: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /
  4. Passwords may include a space
  5. Passwords cannot contain all or part of your name
  6. Passwords will be locked out for five minutes after 10 consecutive invalid login attempts
  7. Providing all password requirements have been met, your password will not expire.

What if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, you can navigate to MyPassword to find directions on re-setting your password. 



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