Gradescope for Faculty and Students
  • 02 Feb 2023
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Gradescope for Faculty and Students

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Article summary

Gradescope is a suite of online tools that provides a streamlined, flexible, and consistent grading process.


Adding Gradescope to Your Blackboard Course

Use the "Tools" drop-down to click on "More Tools" then "Gradescope". 

more tools drop down pointing to gradescope

On the next page, name the link Gradescope and click "Submit". You do not need to change any other options. 

page to name gradescope link

Back in your course, scroll to the "Gradescope" link and click on it. It will route you to Gradescope and you will get this pop-up. If you have already set up the course in Gradescope, you can use the drop-down to select that course or you can create a new one.  

gradescope pop up to link to blackboard

You may choose to edit the settings in your Gradescope course. Negative scoring is how most instructors will choose to leave the settings. This means that students will start with the most points possible for the assignment and as questions are marked incorrect, they will lose those points. Positive scoring means that students will start from a 0 and points will be added from there. Gradescope has more information on scoring on their page: Grading Submissions

gradescope settings

gradesope settingsSync Your Roster

Click on the "Roster" tab on the left-hand side. At the bottom of the page click on "Sync Blackboard Roster". The pop-up will ask you to confirm the course you are linking and hit "Submit". 

class roster tab before roster has been imported

After your roster has been imported, your view will look something like this list in the screenshot below.

class roster tab after roster has been imported

it tip logo

Gradescope will not automatically update your roster while students are still in the add/drop timeframe. You will need to re-sync your roster to update Gradescope. To do this, repeat the process of syncing your roster as above.

Creating Assignments

To create an assignment, click on the "Assignments" tab on the left-hand side. Then click on "Create Assignment". As you create assignments, they will appear in this view.

gradescope assignments tab

On the "Create Assignment" screen you will have a variety of options to choose from whether it is an exam, quiz, or homework assignment. 

create assignment screen


Students can submit homework to Gradescope in the following file formats; pdf, jpg/jpeg, gif, and png. Programming assignments may be submitted in all file formats. 

Logging Into Gradescope

 image of an arrow pointing to gradescope icon

Students must log in to Gradescope in order to view feedback and upload homework if necessary. The Gradescope link in Blackboard will be a teal icon with white signal bars. Click on the title Gradescope to enter. 


Once in Gradescope, you will see all courses that you have synced with Blackboard.

image example of what your course selections will look like

Additional Gradescope Getting Started Resources



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